This is an archived version of the 2016 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at

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Denise Jacobs

Denise R. Jacobs is a Speaker + Author + Creativity Evangelist who speaks at conferences and consults with companies worldwide. As the Founder + CEO of The Creative Dose, she promotes techniques to unlock creativity and spark innovation in people, teams, and workplaces, particularly those in the tech world. She teaches game- changing techniques for busting through creative blocks, developing clear and effective communication, cultivating collaboration, and up-leveling creative productivity. She’s all about creating real-world results where teams work better, produce more, and skyrocket their company’s success. Through speaking, writing, training, and consulting, she shares big concepts that challenge the status quo and lead to “ahas” that translate into immediate actions, skills, and new habits to transform all aspects of people’s work lives with focused creativity and improved productivity.

Working in Web Design & Development since 1997, Denise is an industry veteran and regarded expert on many things web. Denise is the author of The CSS Detective Guide, the premier book on troubleshooting CSS code; co-authored the Smashing Book #3: Redesign the Web and InterAct with Web Standards: A holistic guide to web design, and was nominated for .Net Magazine’s 2010 Best of the Web “Standards Champion” award. Denise has presented at events and organizations worldwide such as Google, Facebook, Automattic, GitHub, the BBC, South By Southwest Interactive, UX Week, The Future of Storytelling, The Future of Web Design, Inbound, and TEDxRheinMain.

Denise is also the founder of Rawk The Web, a movement focused on changing the face of the tech industry by increasing the numbers of visible diverse tech experts, and the Head Instigator of The Creativity (R)Evolution, a movement to spread the force of creativity around the world as a vehicle for positive change. She’s currently working on her latest book to help unblock creativity entitled Banish Your Inner Critic, due to be released in 2016.



14:00 - 17:30

Auditorium II

Unfold Your Brain

Skyrocket Your Creative Productivity

As creative professionals, we are called upon to produce and deliver original strategies and solutions to make our companies or clients stand out in the crowd, requiring a high level of creative thinking and generation of innovative ideas. But sometimes constantly having to be “on” creatively can be mentally taxing. Furthermore, standard working conditions often can extinguish our creative fire, making it tough to come up with fresh ideas precisely when we need them most. What is needed is a way to work better – so that we can create more.

Through exploring various concepts and approaches, including the neuroscience of creativity, productivity techniques, and emerging practices that spur innovation, we’ll discover not only the ways in which our brains work best, but also what’s behind the times when we feel on fire with creativity and when we don’t. We’ll translate this information into processes and techniques for dramatically enhanced creative productivity. Beware: this workshop challenges the standard norms around concentration, focus, productivity, and may change how you work… for the better.

Topics include:

  • How to identify and eliminate the mental blocks that thwart creative thinking
  • Methods for getting the brain into the state where one accesses creative ideas and ideates best
  • Techniques for leveraging the relationship between collaboration and playing games to foment creative inspiration
  • Tips for achieving flow states for optimum creative productivity

The goal of the workshop is to help participants:

  • Challenge and replace standard approaches to work in order to be more creative and innovative
  • Manage time and eliminate distractions to achieve optimal creative productivity
  • Transmute negative stress into eustress to inspire and spur creativity
  • Re-structure time and priorities in order to be more productive
  • Develop and/or regain creative confidence as well as feel re-engaged with work and other creative projects



9:00 - 9:45

Auditorium I

Co-Create: Creating Better Together

Despite the prevalent mythology of the lone creative genius, many of the most innovative contributions spring from the creative chemistry of a group and the blending of everyone’s ideas and concepts. How can we best leverage this collective wisdom to generate creative synergy and co-create? Let’s look at the process of recognizing and removing our personal creative blocks, connecting and communicating with others, combining ideas using play, and constructing a collaborative environment to discover effective methods for tapping into a group’s creative brilliance. Through these steps, you’ll learn to capitalize on the super- linearity of creativity to embrace and leverage diversity to create better together.