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21 to 24 May 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

Deirdre Cerminaro

Consultant & former Executive Director at IDEO

Deirdre sees the world through systems. As a former architectural designer with a background in business and psychology, Deirdre has a knack for breaking down complex systems and finding simple levers to drive lasting change.

Deirdre is passionate about the power of systems design to create a more equitable future. As a former Executive Director at IDEO, much of her work focused on designing education systems—from launching a venture to close the digital skills gap in Latin America to building a global DE&I framework for a Fortune 100 Company. She is the instructor of the IDEOU course Human-Centered Systems Thinking.

Deirdre holds a B.A. in Cognitive Science from Yale University and an MBA from the Yale School of Management. In her spare time, she can usually be found outside with her dog or off on an adventure. She's ridden her bicycle across the U.S. twice and hiked the 211-mile John Muir Trail.

Wed 22 May
Auditorium III

Systems Thinking for UX Design

Navigating Complexity with Confidence

Today’s products, services, and organizations exist in a world that is increasingly interconnected. Systems thinking is a mindset, methodology, and critical leadership skill for making better decisions and managing change in the face of complexity.

Sometimes, we only consider systems at an abstract level, which can cause us to lose sight of people’s lived experiences. Or we focus only on people, while missing the larger dynamics at play.

By combining the analytical tools of systems thinking with the creative methods of user-centered design, we can understand problems more holistically, spot the most impactful opportunities, and tangibly experiment and build more effective solutions.

In this workshop, through examples and activities, participants will walk a way with:

  • A deeper grasp of systems thinking— what it is, why it matters and how it intersects with design;
  • An understanding of the critical mindset of systems thinkers: zooming in and out;
  • Hands-on practice visualizing and exploring systems through different techniques of systems mapping;
  • Methods for viewing a system through different lenses and perspectives to uncover new solutions.

Thu 23 May
Room 1

Systems Thinking for UX Design

Navigating Complexity with Confidence

Today’s products, services, and organizations exist in a world that is increasingly interconnected. Systems thinking is a mindset, methodology, and critical leadership skill for making better decisions and managing change in the face of complexity.

Sometimes, we only consider systems at an abstract level, which can cause us to lose sight of people’s lived experiences. Or we focus only on people, while missing the larger dynamics at play.

By combining the analytical tools of systems thinking with the creative methods of user-centered design, we can understand problems more holistically, spot the most impactful opportunities, and tangibly experiment and build more effective solutions.

In this workshop, through examples and activities, participants will walk a way with:

  • A deeper grasp of systems thinking— what it is, why it matters and how it intersects with design;
  • An understanding of the critical mindset of systems thinkers: zooming in and out;
  • Hands-on practice visualizing and exploring systems through different techniques of systems mapping;
  • Methods for viewing a system through different lenses and perspectives to uncover new solutions.