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21 to 24 May 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

Hannah Härtwich

Systems Mapper, Trainer, Facilitator

Hannah specialises in visualising complex systems in the form of systems maps. By visualising complex systems, they become easier to think through and talk about with all the stakeholders, helping us to find places to intervene and making it easier to make these changes happen together.

Hannah gained her foundation in systems thinking through the study of Geo-Ecology, a field that explores the interdependencies within natural ecosystems. Since then she has mapped many complex systems and is teaching what she has learned through experience to others.

Tue 21 May
Auditorium III

Solving Complex Problems with Systems Mapping

As complex global and local challenges are accumulating, it is time to expand our focus from human-centered design to humanity-centered design (designing for healthy ecosystems).

Systems mapping helps us to expand our view and get an overview of the broader system that UX solutions sit within. It allows us to understand what influences the part that we are designing for and think through how our design decisions influence the wider system. Based on this broader understanding, we are able to make more impactful UX design decisions.

We will begin this workshop by discussing what systems maps are and having a look at some application examples. After this introduction, we will discuss and practice the systems mapping process together. We will be rotating between discussing the theory of the method, applying the discussed steps in small groups and sharing and reflecting in the plenary. We will be working with hands-on materials to create the systems maps.

The main activities of the systems mapping process are:

  • Defining the purpose
  • Gathering information
  • Structuring information
  • Drawing conclusions and taking action

We will form small practice groups, bringing together people who work on similar topics, so each participant can directly apply the method to a topic that is relevant for them. This way participants walk away not only with the knowledge of a new method and way of thinking about complex systems, but also with new insights for their topic they can directly implement in their work.

To prepare for this workshop, think about a UX design application you are working on that you would like to explore from a broader perspective.